What are the functions of the insole?
In fact, every movement of the body includes a lot of information. From a baby, the human movement is repeated and stored in its autonomous sensory motor system, just like a potential state of consciousness in the brain. This sensory motor system works because there are a large number of different types of proprioceptive nerves on the human body, with different sensing tasks. These sensors are very important for the movement of our body.
In the position of the body
Foot, when people stand, walk or run, they will bear more than three times the body weight, so it has three important cross-bow structures, these three functional structures occupy a very important position.
Systemic compensatory reactions caused by foot valgus, flat feet, varus varus or eversion, such as plantar fasciitis, knee pain, low back pain, scoliosis, etc., have caused doctors Physicists, coaches, and even ordinary people pay attention to it. Therefore, the needs of patients, doctors, physiotherapists, and coaches are becoming more and more urgent.
Therefore, the foot insoles came into being
A pair of foot insoles with accurate evaluation, reasonable design and outstanding craftsmanship have five main functions: one is to calm muscles and stimulate, the other is to promote muscle growth faster and stronger, and the third is to have It improves the function of the muscles and joints of the whole body, especially the feet and lower limbs. The fourth is to prevent sports injuries, and the fifth is to improve the movement and gait patterns.
the functions of the insole